• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

MP Esther Afoyochan gives out mattresses and blankets to struggling families in Zombo District

Hon Esther Afoyochan gives out mattresses and blankets to struggling families in Zombo District. Nowip Press reports

Nowip Press has learnt that the Zombo District woman MP Hon Esther Ofoyochan on the 3rd of September 2021 gave out mattresses and blankets to some of the families in Zombo District that lacked them.

With Zombo being among the poorest districts in Uganda were locals can hardly afford the basic needs of life, Hon Afoyochan found it necessary to give out beddings to some of the families that were identified as the most struggling without mattresses and blankets with most of them opting for sucks packed with dry grass.

Jubilations rocked Zombo during this heart touching ceremony with many people shedding tears while being given mattresses. Most of them said they were going to sleep on mattresses for the first time while others said they had spent nearly 30 years minus without sleeping on a mattress.

Hon Afoyochan on speaking to the locals thanked them for voting her into office and secondly thanked them for taking care of their children even amidst these harsh economic situations.

She vowed to improve the lives of the people in the District by finding means on how each family can engage itself in an income generating activity.

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