• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024



From this background, NOWIP in partnership with the  Uganda Media Women Association  with support from the Democratic Governance Facility and Uganda Media Women Association came up with a solution to increase the visibility of women in politics under the E-WIP project. We are therefore using the NOWIP Press as an avenue to share the political agendas and development goals for these women politicians to increase visibility of the women candidates to be elected in these political offices and actively engage the women politicians as an intervention that will build their confidence levels while using digital platforms and in turn boosting the number of women in active politics.

What is the NOWIP Press?

The NOWIP PRESS a project implemented by the Network of Women in Politics under the E-WIP Project in partnership with UMWA with support from DGF.

A Digital platform for NOWIP members which facilitates digitized voices for women in politics. It is an electoral related information hub and resourceful platform for members.  Women In politics utilize the platform to post and follow discussions, engage the public, record podcasts and videos posts.

We are using Women in Politics to speak about issues that affect them and the most vulnerable in communities as they arise. The NOWIP press coaches women on E-advocacy. We are using women to act as voices for the voiceless.

We are using the press to facilitate and promote E-Trainings and capacity building programmes for Women in politics by providing online training sessions and user guides or manuals to all the beneficiaries ,This has built the confidence levels of women in politics  as we are giving women an avenue to speak express themselves freely, this has in turn promoting the skill of public and media confidence taking note of the fact that we still have many women grappling with confidence issues.

Structure of the NOWIP Press

NOWIP Press Team is led by the Nowip Ms Swabrah Isanga

CONTACT US …. nowip.press@gmail.com

Electoral Updates

Is run by y made up of a team from the Network of Women in politics. It brings to you E-News to include Electoral Commission updates, news about women in politics and partner news. It also promotes E-Advocacy through advocacy sessions, E-Women, E-Human rights, E-Rallies and E-Governance. It further conducts E-Trainings on how to use social media as a campaigning tool, and also uses training manuals, and lastly, supports various community women projects.

NOWIP will support its members to prepare issue papers based on the issues against which they want to run. Engaging women politicians early is a timely intervention that will build their confidence levels in engaging on the digital platforms, this will make them formidable candidates and thus boast the numbers of women in active politics.

the press to promote E-advocacy, empowering women to speak about issues affecting women in politics and also issues that affect the community at large, especially the most vulnerable in these communities.

Field Activities by the NOWIP Press

The press has in the past two weeks had an interaction with various women politicians about 6 in total whom we chose due to their peculiar circumstances and their unique stories about their political carriers.

These included, Madam Nasirumbi Agnes, Madam Kakayi Zerida, Madam Mugerwa Christine, Madam Namirembe Angela, Madam Nassimbwa Hamidah Naloongo and also two key players from the UWMA, to include the Deputy Executive Director, DR. Emily Maractho and the project co-ordinator Madam Connie Osoru.

Madam Nasirumbi Agnes was personally targeted as she’s a person with a disability but nothing has stopped her from vying for a very big seat which is the woman MP representing persons with disabilities on the national level. Aside from this, she also has a baking business that she has used and skilled many other women with disabilities to still remain valuable to their communities.

Madam Kakayi Zerida while she served as a youth activist and a member of activist was abducted and tortured in May 2016 by some police officials for about five days and later rescued by residents in Gulu District. She sustained a number of injuries in the back, was injected with some chemicals. This left her with some post traumatic effects and still suffers from like visual difficulties till today but this has never stopped her from building her political career and still encouraging other women to vie for various political positions despite the various challenges that they face. For her these are mere obstacles that cannot stop her from achieving her goal as a woman activist and politician. She’s also contesting in the upcoming elections for the post of LCV woman councillor for Nakawa Division.

Madam Mugerwa Christine having served in various political positions and being a woman that is still vying for the post of LCV woman Councillor Rubaga Division in the upcoming elections, was personally targeted to reach out to other women on how she has actively remained relevant in politics despite being a woman and the various challenges women face, and also give some words of encouragement to women out there who are still struggling to make it in the political field.

Madam Nassimbwa Hamidah is another strong woman who is vying for MP Busiro East, where she’s competing in a male dominated position, but nothing has stopped her from standing with the men because she believes that she’s equally capable and can even serve the people of Busiro East better.

Madam Namirembe Angela a young woman activist is vying for Youth MP Kampala Central, where we all know that there’s a lot of political instability and competition, but being a young girl only aged 23, she has remained focused to achieve success but has also used her self to uplift and encourage the youth that they too can be leaders as they really have great ideas for the nation.


In conclusion, the NOWIP Press has and is still doing a tremendous job to up lift women’s digitised voices as they are still very vulnerable seeing that the media is still largely dominated by men.

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