• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


The NOWIP Press covers News beneficial to women in politics; these include available Government programs, donor opportunities and CSO engagements in their respective communities.

E-News boasts the lobbying to capacities of Women In Politics

The NOWIP PRESS will provide updates about key dates, programs and the road map from the Electoral Commission.

Statistics of important information related to elections and Political related information

The NOWIP press is a mitigate to the information gaps between the EC and the Women candidates who in the past women missed out on key event dates such as nomination days due to lack of knowledge.

The NOWIP Press  documents stories of women making News, these are women that contribute to changing lives of the most vulnerable in their different localities in terms of promoting Gender and Equity, Good Governance, Democracy, transparency, Human rights, Sectoral Development ,balanced Legislation ,Policy and Legal Advocacy.

The NOWIP Press provides space for NOWIP Partners communicating information beneficial to women in politics.

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